Lyrics Sookhee - That’s Me (그게 나란 걸) OST Blessing Of The Sea Part 4
- Judul : That’s Me
- Penyanyi : Sookhee
- Genre : OST
- Lagu Korea
Lirik Sookhee - That’s Me OST Blessing Of The Sea Part 4
On the day the stars shined, the day the waves crashed
I drew out the day filled with sunshine and tried to hold back the flowing tears
Sometimes, it’s hard when days are long and tiring
But you always ran to me and smiled for me
Because of you, I gain strength
When you asked me how I was doing
I couldn’t smile and act calm
It’s hard to live, to endure each day
But I try to erase the tears, that’s me
When you said it’s ok to hurt, you were hurting more than me
You told me to live for myself
Then you turned around but I couldn’t hold onto you
When you asked me how I was doing
I couldn’t smile and act calm
It’s hard to live, to endure each day
But I try to erase the tears
When things get hard, tell me it’s hard
Sometimes, you can lean on me
I just want you to be happy, I pray
When you asked me how I was doing
I couldn’t smile and act calm
It’s hard to live, to endure each day
But I try to erase the tears, that’s me
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